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Haskap Picking SongWritten and Composed by Jan
00:00 / 02:06

Haskap Berry     Lonicera Caerula


We are doing u-pick every day EXCEPT Thursdays and Mondays unless it rains.  Usually we run from 11 am- 5pm, but you should Check our facebook page Circle D Ranch for updates, as the weather is variable.


The haskap berry is a circumpolar species native to Northern boreal forests in Asia, Europe and North America.  The haskap is known by a variety of names, including, Blue Honeysuckle and Honeyberry.  The plants are extremely hardy and do well in Northern climates, which makes this berry very suited for the Yukon.  Not only is the haskap very tasty, but it also has wonderful health benefits and has been known by the ancient Japanese as "The Fruit of Life Longevity and Fruit of Vision".  The berry is high in vitamin C and A, and also high in fibre and potassium.  The taste is often described as being similar to blueberries, raspberries and black currants.  The haskap berry is higher in anti-oxidants than blueberries, which is often hailed as a superfruit.

Haskaps 2018

Haskap Plants 2018


Haskap Plants 2018


You can find some great recipes for haskap berries on our recipe page, but  our grandchildren's favourite way to enjoy haskaps is in smoothies!! 



Picking haskaps..start them young

Grandchildren eagerly awaiting dessert

        Haskap Dessert


You-Pick 2018

Fun Times!

Barbara picking haskaps in 2017


Five year old haskap plant in 2019


U-pickers get 14kg in 3 hours!


Fun in the haskap field 2019

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